Innovation Fellowships

Opportunities for staff and students to gain valuable experience through fellowship and internship. Three types of fellowships are possible: 1. Inside Industry Fellowships - A2I, 2. Inside Science Fellowships - I2A and 3. Student Internships - S2I.

Please note, only staff/students of our partners are eligible for innovation fellowships


1. Inside Industry Fellowships - A2I

For academic staff willing to visit private companies and work with industrial personnel.
Duration: Up to 20 days stay.


2. Inside Science Fellowships - I2A

For personnel from sports engineering companies willing to visit Universities and work with researchers.
Duration: Typically 20 days stay.


3. Student Internships - S2I

For students from the above mentioned universities willing to visit industrial partners: Catapult Sports ltd., Labosport, MAGURA, Motek Medical B.V. and, VAUDE Sport GmbH or the partner universities: Aalborg University, Chemnitz University of Technology, Delft University of Technology, Sheffield Hallam University, University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien.

Duration: 30 days stay. Longer stays are possible though without financial support.