Industry Collaboration Experience 2022 Sheffield
It’s been confirmed that the next Industry Collaboration Experience will take place in Sheffield, July 18th to 22nd.
As more of the details become clear, we’ll add them to the website, but for now we’ll try to detail what to expect. The Different subjects discussed are listed below:
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The Venue
The I.C.E. will be hosted at Sheffield Hallam University’s Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre. This not only has a large number of different laboratories and data capture spaces (see below), it’s situated on Sheffield’s Olympic legacy park, very close to venues such as the English Institute of Sport and City Athletic Stadium.
In addition to this, the city is situated right next to the Peak District national park, giving easy access to cycling, running and climbing opportunities, whether these be explored as part of a research topic, or just to enjoy during down time.
A summary of the facilities and attractions of Sheffield for I.C.E. 2022
At the I.C.E. separate teams of students will be given an individual research topic, each one provided by an industrial partner.
Current proposed topics are listed below.
Catapult Sports: Validation of wearable tech to monitor human locomotion
This topic will explore the validation of wearable tech (spatial information) against some kind of gold-standard. The team will have to devise a solid way of generating very accurate movement information that can be used to validate the wearable technology.
Labosport: Ball Speed in Football
The ‘pace’ of a football pitch is tuned by groundskeepers and teams to suit their own playstyle. Pitch pace corresponds to the speed of the ball as it ‘skips’ over the surface following a fast pass (for example). The team will have to devise a way of strictly defining pace and develop protocols to measure it.
Magura: Ergonomics of handlebar-mounted actuators
Brake actuators are developed for maximum performance and efficiency but ergonomics plays an important role in their effective design. The team will have to develop a useful scientific method of evaluating ergonomics of handlebar-mounted actuators.
Vaudé: Thermal comfort of cycling shorts
Heat and moisture can affect friction when cycling causing skin-irritation and eventually injury. Therefore insights into thermal regulation will assist in the effective design of cycling shorts and clothing. The team will have to prototype a mobile measurement system that can measure thermal conditions in shorts during cyling.
Motek: Running-analysis with GRAIL
The GRAIL is a real-time interactive gait laboratory positioned on a motion platform. It is not clear how the higher forces associated with running affect the results of the system. The team will have to use the GRAIL system in combination with outdoor running to determine which parameters are most important for running analysis and how they compare between the two running conditions.